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Solonte et l'eau. L'exploitation des ressources en eau dans la cité antique de Solonte


This research focuses on the study of water management at Solunto, and on the solutions adopted by the inhabitants in regard to hydraulic structures. By means of an interdisciplinary approach based on human sciences (archaeology, architecture, and history), earth sciences, and hydraulic engineering, this work aims to fill a gap in the knowledge of water management of the city, a topic which has been long neglected by modern scholarship. Concerning the historic-geographical context, the Punic city of Solunto was founded on Monte Catalfano during the 4th century BC, after the conquest of the Archaic city by Dionysius I. Archaeological evidence shows that this city was occupied until the 3rd century AD, when it experienced a phase of decline culminating with its abandonment. Between 1825 and the 1960s, archaeological excavations and research at Solunto have been much vibrant, and numerous campaigns have focused on the architectural aspects of the classical city. However, a study of the hydraulic features of Solunto has been addressed only indirectly and, as a result of this limited attention, most of the hydraulic infrastructures are still unpublished. The goal of this project is to understand to which extend the local hydrogeological resources were exploited by the inhabitants of Solunto, as well as to investigate the cultural origin and evolution of the hydraulic system both this city and its surroundings on the long durée. Over the centuries, the geological characteristics of this area changed; these transformations had a practical impact on engineering projects, especially with regard to hydraulic infrastructures. This project discusses also the public or private destination of these infrastructures, their ownership and patronage, highlighting macro-similarities and differences, by drawing parallels with other selected urban examples of water management that share the same chronological framework or a similar Punic sphere of influence. The work is divided into three complementary parts: 1. The first section presents and discusses secondary literature concerning the ancient environment of Solunto in order to determine the natural conditions in which the Punic settlement developed. The analysis and the identification of the geological features of Monte Catalfano and the surrounding area have been pivotal to reconstruct the ancient landscape. This literature review helps providing a better understanding of the reasons behind the choice of some hydraulic installations linked to the economic activities of this town. The study of the hydrogeological features from Solunto, which includes the analysis of soil composition, offers insights into the methods of human adaptation and the physical anthropic impact on the environment. 2. The second part focuses on the geographical features of the territories surrounding the city, in order to reconstruct the systems of agricultural exploitation and land management. Together with the study of archive data from different Institutions (Palermo Municipal Historical Archive, Palermo State Archive, private archives of the Filangeri and Alliata-Valguarnera families), this research has employed the study of aerial and satellite photos of the territory, the analysis of relevant evidence gathered by means of first-hand field surveys, as well as data coming from secondary literature and unpublished data. 3. The third section investigates the urban space of Solunto along with the systems and infrastructures for the collection, usage, and disposal of water. These data have been collected and integrated into a G.I.S. dataset and supported by means of graphic and photographic documentation. First-hand drawings were executed of the most distinctive buildings. When possible, the hydraulic infrastructures have been connected to the hydrogeological characteristics of the soil. The combination of archaeological and geological data represents the most inn