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Geografia e Fabulazioni. Immaginari spaziali e alternative possibili

  • Authors: Palermo, Gabriella; Salimbeni, Alice; Simone, Andrea
  • Publication year: 2023
  • Type: Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in rivista
  • OA Link:


In this particular historical moment we are witnessing, on the one hand, a a progressive lack of confidence in the future, on the other hand the growing need to imagine divergent alternatives. Geographical imagination (Dematteis 2021) is one of the links link between the actual present and the possible future (McFarlane 2011). Without recognising the importance of imagination, it is not possible to construct and practise other worlds outside those narrated by the dominant narrative - and thus to consider and create social and spatial alternatives to contemporary ones that do not reproduce the single history of the world whose protagonist is the human subject, white, male, heterosexual. The introduction of the imaginative element is central within the creative turn (Hawkins 2019) and the geohumanities; approaches feminist approaches, specifically, see stories as not only tools for describing or narrating the world, but tools transformative of the real, immediately political (Gibson-Graham 2008). It is in this sense that we are interested in fabulations (Haraway 2019),that is, those stories that excavate interstices in our world,amplifying perspectives and constructing counter-narratives that becomebecome practices of imagination and construction of other worlds. The aim of this session is to interrogate the theme of geographical fabulationsthrough the presentation of case studies, empirical experiences empirical experiences (planned, ongoing or concluded) or the production of narratives and stories about space by means of creative methodologies(in textual, visual or performative format).