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Disturbi emozionali nel trattamento chirurgico della cataratta

  • Authors: Morreale Bubella, R; Cacace, S; Plescia, F; Morreale Bubella, D;Lodato, G
  • Publication year: 2010
  • Type: Articolo in rivista (Articolo in rivista)
  • Key words: Cataract;Quality of life; Anxiety.
  • OA Link:


Aim.The aim of this study was to appraise the degree of phychic uneasiness and anxiety in subjects who undergo surgical intervention of the cataract and the degree of satisfaction for the result of the interventetion.Methods.A sample of 50 subjects(22 males and 28 females)has been evaluated before the intervention on the cataract: the level of anxiety was measured by means of the Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scales T(HARS) and the degree of psychic uneasiness and psychopathological (phobia,somatization,depression) demonstrations by means of the test of psychic uneasiness-questionnaire IGD.The evalution of the degree of satisfaction for the results of the intervention has been obtained by means of another questinnaire,VF-7.Risults.Levels of anxiety have been underlined, both in preoperative and in the post-operative time, in younger women above all (40-60 years).The degree of satisfaction results elevated for all the examined activities.Conclusion.A careful preoperative interview allow to reduce the anxiety related to the intervention to meaningless values and to increase the satisfaction of the patients.