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El discurso populista en las revistas del primer franquismo


In certain contexts, and historical moments, the press has become an instrument of a dominant group that turns media discourse into a weapon, in order to carry out ideological manipulation of the recipient (Charaudeau 2003: 42 ). This is the case in the magazines that are the subject of this work: Legiones y Falanges (1940-1943) and Y, Revista para la mujer nacionalsindicalista (1938-1945), two exemplary publications in which the power elites propose to extol the ideological basis of the young Francoist dictatorship and to build the identity of the woman that the regime needs. With this objective, institutional locutors adopt a wide range of argumentative strategies, legal and not, forging a clearly populist discourse, in which the denunciation of evil (Charaudeau 2011) and the exaltation of the saviour (Franco and his institutions) stand out, generating a highly emotive language (evaluative lexicon, metaphors ...), often based on irrationality. I have used the theoretical framework of pragmatic linguistics (Fuentes Rodríguez 2013 and 2017), the theory of argumentation (Anscombre and Ducrot 1994) and its grammar (Lo Cascio 1991 and 2009; Fuentes Rodríguez and Alcaide Lara 2002), the instruments of critical discourse analysis, as well as Van Dijk's studies on ideology, discourse, and manipulation (especially 2003, 2005, 2006, 2008, 2009 y 2010).