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Análisis discursivo de un texto narrativo: De las colmenas del otoño...


In every narration we can identify a dominant narrative sequence and other sequences within it (descriptions, dialogues, commentaries, and even argumentative sequences), which play a complementary role to the narration (Herrero Cecilia 2006: 105-106). In De las colmenas del otoño ... the sequential heterogeneity shows some kind of hierarchical inversion: the action - a quiet walk during an autumn afternoon - and the characters – two young people, Sebastian and Virtudes - are the axis around which develops a long descriptive sequence, to which the narrator attributes a specific pragmatic function. The analysis of both the macrostructure (narrator and descriptor, time structure, sequential and structural organization of the text, segmentation into paragraphs ...) and the microstructure (segmentation and structure of the sentences, topicalization and focus, vocabulary and rhetorical figure) shows the break from realistic prose in the name of a clearly subjective and poetic discourse.