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Representaciones intermediales. Las ilustraciones de Núria Pompeia en la prensa española de la Transición


Towards the end of the 20th century, a shift in the theoretical perspective began to be noticed from the concept of iconotextuality to that of intermediality. In fact, the border lines between artistic languages and the very consistency of the products had become more like thresholds, permeable territories and with continuous conceptual shifts as well as pragmatic. It is in the journalistic medium that the complexity of intermediary relationships is emphasized and, at the same time, usefully refines their intensity. Cultural studies on the Spanish Transition have focused on detecting the prominence of the mass media, especially the press, which can more quickly catalyze the artifacts of popular culture as expressions of counterculture. Illustrator, graphic humorist, writer and journalist, Núria Francesca Pompeia Vilaplana i Buixons, nom de plume Núria Pompeia (Barcelona 1931-2016), came to journalistic illustrations with some delay, although she will soon represent one of the most relevant brands in the late Francoism. This study, in an emblematic way, focuses on the production of Núria Pompeia in the magazine Triunfo (1946-1982) – for her longevity and resilience throughout the Franco regime, reaching the eighties – and in Vindicación Feminista (1976-1979), for representing a brief, yet paradigmatic, experience of Spanish feminism among the media cultural products of the Transition.