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Salinity gradient engines

  • Authors: Tamburini, A.; Cipollina, A.; Papapetrou, M.; Piacentino, A.; Micale, G.
  • Publication year: 2016
  • Type: Capitolo o Saggio (Capitolo o saggio)
  • OA Link:


This chapter is devoted to the description of a new class of heat engines based on salinity gradient technology and able to convert low-grade heat into power. The salinity gradient power (SGP) process is employed within a closed loop composed of two different sections: (i) the SGP unit devoted to the energy production, and (ii) a regeneration unit fed by the solutions exiting from the SGP unit and able to restore the initial concentration, thus regenerating the salinity gradient. The main features, limits and perspectives of this novel heat engine are described along with an overview of the state of the art presented in the literature and an example of exergetic analysis of the cycle. Also, additional information on the availability of the low-grade heat and on the economic evaluation of the produced energy is presented..