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Pediatric exercise programs in children with hematological cancer: a systematic review


In the world today, there are roughly 25 million cancer survivors. Progress in treatments have greatly improved cure rates, with 5-year survival now approaching 80%, but are associated with numerous negative physical and psychological side-effects and a deterioration in the quality of future life. Cancer survivors are at increased risk for second cancers, other forms of comorbidity (e.g., cardiovascular disease, diabetes, osteoporosis), and functional decline. Lifestyle factors, such as a healthy diet, regular exercise, and smoking cessation may prevent these conditions and improve survivors’ quality of life. Observational research has shown that the physical activity levels of survivors of hematological cancer are low, with deleterious health consequences. The aim of this systematic review was to understand and evaluate if and how much a program of physical activity improves the quality of life in children survivors of acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). A systematic literature search was carried out in the MEDLINE/PubMed database (1993-2013) and has been analyzed 40 studies. Completing the analysis it seems that no one exercise- related risks in children was identified in these studies. Though more trials are needed, a growing literature supports the notion that regular physical activity has potential benefits for pediatric hematological cancer survivors.