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Tra incantamento e phobos. Alcuni esempi sugli effetti dell'aulos nei dialoghi di Platone e nella catarsi tragica


The power of the aulòs and its effects on the soul are so emblematic for the Greeks, that they also made this instrument and its sounds into a metaphor of persuasion, as it happens for instance in some among the dialogues of Plato. On the other side, the aulòs is also an upsetting instrument, as it appears for instance in tragedy. Actually it seems to work on the fears (phobos) and insecurities of the characters of dramas, and leads sometimes to the conclusive developments of the theatrical performance. As far as the audience in the theatre is concerned, the aulòs instead has a part in the development of catharsis, through which it seems then to perform a most meaningful “political” effect on the anxieties of the audience.