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Scenario’s planning participative workshop as tools for inclusive policies for inhabitants and citizens. In: PIDALA' AM. (a cura di): Marichela Sepe, 14° edizione Biennale delle città e degli urbanisti europei INCLUSIVE CITIES AND REGIONS /TERRITOIRES INCLUSIFS #Special Workshop. RomaINU Edizioni srl, ISBN: 9788876032554, Napoli, Aprile 2024


Many of the planet's critical issues pose interesting questions and stimulating challenges to urban planners about the new dimension of sustainability and consequently new perspectives for renewing their commitment to planning. There are many questions that are emerging in the most recent ones and mainly concern the needs of the inhabitants of the territory and citizens to deal with the issues of consumption. There is also the challenge posed by sustainability to co-living on earth seems to require a convergence of a plurality of institutional, scientific, technical, cultural and above all urban and territorial policies to which reference will have to be made for the governance of the territory (Palermo, 2021). Today, more than ever, the complexity of the disciplines tends to interact and often to integrate, creating a new framework necessary (also methodological, De Certeau, 1990) for the articulated declination of sustainability in the various transformations, which cannot be achieved without a protean dimension, which contains the needs of the present, the awareness of the past, the experimentation on anticipation, increasingly visionary and holistic (PidalĂ  2014a; 2021b), of the future (Foster, 2024).