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Halma Angélico en la revista Cultura Integral y Femenina. Prensa, paradigmas culturales y emancipación intelectual de las mujeres


Mass media – and, above all, the press – constitute a complex system of practices that shape cultural paradigms and their products, as well as the social and collective representation of reality. The press of the first half of the 20th century not only disseminates news, but also shapes opinions, reinforces gender stereotypes and legitimizes power structures that relegate women to secondary roles. It promotes narratives that consolidate patriarchal norms and perpetuate gender discrimination. Therefore, a critical study of the media of that era reveals how they have been key instruments in the perpetuation of gender inequality or, conversely, in the slow journey towards female emancipation and full participation in society. After providing a concise overview of the Spanish women’s press during the extensive period from the dictatorship of Primo de Rivera to the end of the First World War, this work focuses on the magazine Cultura Integral y Femenina, highlighting one of its most eminent and unjustly forgotten contributors, Halma Angélico.