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You can get anything you want at Alice’s restaurant: l’ home restaurant tra libertà di iniziativa economica, tutela del consumatore e della concorrenza


The essay starts with a comparison between the different definitions of the concept of home restaurant proposed by experts, suppliers, home cookers, on-line platforms, and the one provided by a bill drafted during the XVII legislature. The Author describes the activity of those who offer such kind of service in the market, proposing some reflections on the nature of such activity, on the necessity of ensuring food’s health standards, on consumer’s health and wealth, on the protection of competitors professional restaurant’s cookers (if they can be considered as such), on the mechanisms through which demand and offer match together through on-line platforms, social networks or apps. These issues are investigated also through a constant reference to frequent praxis, interpretations and administrative provisions provided by the Ministry of the Economic Development, in order to underlines pro and cons of the Bill drafted by the Government. At the same time, the essay offers also some comparative insights on the regulatory models provided (or voluntary not) by other legal systems.