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Critical evaluation of hazardous pollutants in edible insects: A simple review


The use of edible insects offers significant environmental benefits, particularly in terms of reducing greenhouse gas emissions and minimising water and land use. Recently, some species of edible insects have been recognised as novel foods in the European Union, regulated by Regulation (EU) 2015/2283 until the end of 2022. In this context, it is necessary to pay close attention to the assessment of the health risks posed by the contaminants ingested by insects. Indeed, there are numerous risks associated with the consumption of insects for human consumption. This review highlights the importance of assessing the health risks associated with contaminants in edible insects. Similar to other animal-derived foods, insects can accumulate hazardous substances such as heavy metals, pesticides, dioxins and flame retardants. This review aims to provide a comprehensive overview of contaminant levels in edible insects, based on studies published over the last two decades, in order to assess the potential health risks associated with their consumption.