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Prove di diserbo spazialmente variabile in un'azienda cerealicola siciliana


In soils having a significant within-field spatial variability of physiical, chemical and biological characteristics, conventional agriculture, based on the the distribution of equal rates of crop inputs (fertilisers, herbicides, pesticides, etc.) can cause excess of these inputs in some points and deficit in others. The implementation of precision agriculture can prevent these spoilage or deficit. Herbicide spraying is one of the field operations which can get economical benefits from the spatially variable soil managemnent. The section of Agricultural Mechanisation of the Department of Engineering and Technologies in Agriculture and Forestry (ITAF) has set up a system for spraying herbicide in annual herbaceous crops. This system, mounted on a sprayer, consists of: a DGPS system, able to compute the machine real time "corrected" position; an electronic system, able to set up the herbicide rate, proportionally related to the machine forward speed. The aim is to spray spatilally variable rates of herbicide in cereal fields having a significant weed spatial variability.