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La Foresta Civile. Immaginare le prossime città di natura


The Civil Forest is a possible vision for the cities of the next few years in which the forest can be the form of nature capable of weaving relationships between different species: human and tree populations. In cities that will be constituted as civil forests, trees and the people who inhabit them will confront each other in a constant equal relationship, unlike in urban forests where the wood is at the service of the open space present among all that is built. The Civil Forest is something we may soon really be confronted with, if the current urban forestation policies are implemented and the asphalted soil is brought back to a state of earthy and fertile ground. The landscape architecture project is the necessary tool to imagine (first) and verify (then) the validity of forests as bearers of innovative identities, of meanings and even of ethics in places that are traditionally the preserve of artificial processes and inhabited only by the human species.