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Timeo, Polibio e la Sicilia: Sikeloi, Sikeliotai, Sikanoi


This work studies the role played by Timaeus and Polybius in relation to the issue of Sicilian identity. Significant differences in perspective emerge, despite the fact that interpreting Timaeus through the Polyibian ‘diaphragm’ makes the job hard. By examining the passages on Sicily in the works of the two historians, it is clear that Timaeus chose to make Sicily the center of his ‘western’ perspective, showing a certain interest in the issue of the identity of Greek peoples and native inhabitants of the island. On the other hand, for Polybius Sicily was fully part of his project of global history under Roman leadership; therefore, with a similar approach to Diodorus, he offered a dual image of the ethnic composition of the island, made of Punics living in the western side, and Siceliotes settled in the eastern side.