Rainfall Induced Landslides in Puerto Rico
- Authors: Lepore, C; Kamal, S; Arnone, E; Noto, L; Shanahan, P; Bras, RL
- Publication year: 2009
- Type: Proceedings
- OA Link: http://hdl.handle.net/10447/58759
Landslides are a major geologic hazard in the United States, typically triggered by rainfall, earthquakes, volcanoes and human activity. Rainfall-induced landslides are the most common type in the island of Puerto Rico, with one or two large events per year. We performed an island-wide determination of static landslide susceptibility and hazard assessment as well as dynamic modeling of rainfall-induced shallow landslides in a particular hydrologic basin. Based on statistical analysis of past landslides, we determined that reliable prediction of the susceptibility to landslides is strongly dependent on the resolution of the digital elevation model (DEM) employed and the reliability of the rainfall data. A distributed hydrology model capable of simulating landslides, tRIBS-VEGGIE, has been implemented for the first time in a humid tropical environment like Puerto Rico. The Mameyes basin, located in the Luquillo Experimental Forest in Puerto Rico, was selected for modeling based on the availability of soil, vegetation, topographical, meteorological and historic landslide data. .Application of the model yields a temporal and spatial distribution of predicted rainfall-induced landslides, which is used to predict the dynamic susceptibility of the basin to landslides.