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  • Authors: Napoli, Grazia; Mondini, Giulio; Oppio, Alessandra; Rosato, Paolo; Barbaro, Simona
  • Publication year: 2023
  • Type: Prefazione/Postfazione
  • OA Link:


The encounter between Appraisal and Valuation and other social sciences, such as Geography and Urban Planning, but also Philosophy and Psychology, can be considered as a valuable opportunity to combine approaches expressing different points of view on the same phenomena. The interpretative paradigms and opera-tional tools of Appraisal and Valuation are therefore questioned and should be re-vised to be adopted in the appraisal practice or to support decision-making pro-cesses related to real estate market and urban, territorial and environmental plan-ning, according to a perspective of social inclusion and multiculturalism.