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Indistinguishability-assisted two-qubit entanglement distillation

  • Authors: Nosrati, Farzam; Bellomo, Bruno; De Chiara, Gabriele; Compagno, Giuseppe; Morandotti, Roberto; Lo Franco, Rosario
  • Publication year: 2024
  • Type: Articolo in rivista
  • OA Link:


Production of quantum states exhibiting a high degree of entanglement out of noisy conditions is one of the main goals of quantum information science. Here, we provide a conditional yet efficient entanglement distillation method which functions within the framework of spatially localized operations and classical communication. This method exploits indistinguishability effects due to the spatial overlap between two identical qubits in distinct sites and encompasses particle statistics imprint. We derive the general conditions for the maximum entanglement distillation out of mixed states. As applications, we give a thorough description of distilled entanglement and associated success probability starting from typical noisy states, such as thermal Gibbs states and Werner states. The influence of local temperatures and of noise parameter is discussed, respectively, in these two cases. The proposed scheme paves the way towards quantum repeaters in composite networks made of controllable identical quantum particles.