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Indistinguishability-Enhanced Entanglement Recovery by Spatially Localized Operations and Classical Communication


We extend a procedure exploiting spatial indistinguishability of identical particles to recover the spoiled entanglement between two qubits interacting with Markovian noisy environments. Here, the spatially localized operations and classical communication (sLOCC) operational framework is used to activate the entanglement restoration from the indistinguishable constituents. We consider the realistic scenario where noise acts for the whole duration of the process. Three standard types of noises are considered: a phase damping, a depolarizing, and an amplitude damping channel. Within this general scenario, we find the entanglement to be restored in an amount proportional to the degree of spatial indistinguishability. These results elevate sLOCC to a practical framework for accessing and utilizing quantum state protection within a quantum network of spatially indistinguishable subsystems.