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«Roumain italiens»: pastoralisme et dynamiques migratoires dans le troisième millénaire


This paper considers the phenomenon of migration, by proposing a case study upon the migration of Romanians in Italy. As a consequence of the access of Romania in the UE in January 2007, Romanians became citizens of UE, but, nevertheless, they are not aware of their rights and juridical statute and continue to live in a state of subordination and humility in their interaction with their employers. They do not rebel, since they are afraid of losing their working place. This is a step backwards as to the process of integration, which, as Buttitta noticed, should not lead to a "standardization of the immigrants to the culture of the host country, but to an acceptance of immigrants, as part of an ongoing project, in all societies" (Buttitta, 2007: 299-300). Political options, the adopting of security laws, mass-media, etc., have, in fact, prevented the process of integration. Romanians are important for Italian economy, especially in the domain of animal farming. Still, "Italy is somehow against the normal course of action as to the integration of foreigners. The effects are obvious. For some time, now, Romanians started to prefer England, not only because salaries are higher, but, especially, because they are better received" (Harja, Melis 2010: 169).