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Rilievo digitale dei repertori decorativi floreali Liberty di Palermo: analisi e studio del “nastro teso”


The digital replica of cultural heritage is becoming an increasingly important requirement for conservation, cataloguing and dissemination as well as a valuable support for geometric and formal interpretation of the same. The aim of this research is the digital survey to study a decorative repertoire of the Art Nouveau style of Palermo, particularly of the “stretched ribbon”. The ornamental motif, which characterises some of the works of architect Ernesto Basile, is declined in several solutions according to the various requirements, often presenting formal and compositional similarities. The elements, identified as case studies, are distinguished by differences in size, typological and material variety. The article presents the first results of the digitisation process, using multi-image photogrammetry and user-friendly commercial instrumentation – the LiDAR sensor integrated into the iPhone 14 Pro –, for heritage knowledge and the study and analysis of the identified floral decorative repertoire.