Griegos y latinos: un caso de disciplinamiento en la archidiócesis de Monreale
- Authors: Sara Manali
- Publication year: 2022
- Type: Articolo in rivista
- OA Link:
The objective of this article is to analyze the way in which the disciplinary policies were articulated in a context as peculiar as that of the Archdiocese of Monreale, characterized by the coexistence of two communities of different rites, precisely Greek and Latin. The study consists of two main parts: the first one reconstructs the arrival of the Greek-Albanians in Sicily and the foundation of the specific settlements for these populations in the territory of Monreale; in the second, through the analysis of the pastoral visits carried out in Piana dei Greci between the 16th and 17th centuries, are analyzed the different discipline mechanisms for Greeks and Latins