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Grid-Following and Grid-Forming MODELS in ATP-EMTP for Power Systems Simulation


The paper presents the models of grid-following and grid-forming converters in the software ATP-EMTP for power systems simulation. The models are developed using the MODELS language, they are described in details discussing all issues and aspects related to the implementation, and they are also shared as open source models. The models are validated with a simulation-based approach, comparing the results with the models developed in MATLAB/Simulink and in NEPLAN, considering both the phasor RMS and EMT time domains, and thus performing a comprehensive cross-platform and cross-domain validation. In line with the spirit of the ATP software and community, the models of grid-following and grid-forming converters are developed with the purpose of sharing them, and contributing in this way to the creation of a common basis for the integration of these elements into the analysis and simulation of power systems.