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The “Annunziata” Garden in Cammarata (Sicily): Results of integrated geophysical investigations and first archaeological survey

  • Autori: Martorana, Raffaele; Capizzi, Patrizia; Giambrone, Calogero; Simonello, Lisa; Mapelli, Mattia; Carollo, Alessandra; Genco, Valeria
  • Anno di pubblicazione: 2024
  • Tipologia: Articolo in rivista
  • OA Link:


A multi-method geophysical investigation was carried out in the context of a recovery project for the “Annunziata” Garden located in the town of Cammarata (Sicily), near to the homonymous church (Chiesa dell'Annunziata). In this area, according to the scarce historical sources, there was a Benedictine convent, probably demolished in the 18th century, but the area was probably inhabited even in earlier periods. Preliminarily, a series of 2D electrical resistivity tomographies (2D-ERT) were carried out approximately parallel to each other, some of which highlighted resistivity anomalies that could be attributed to buried archaeological structures. Consequently, in a smaller area where these anomalies were evident, a 3D electrical resistivity tomography (3D-ERT) and Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) parallel profiles were carried out aimed at a detailed 3D reconstruction of the subsoil. Despite the unclear correspondence between the 3D-ERT inverse model and the GPR one, the 3D ERT confirmed the anomalies found with the previous 2D-ERT surveys, better defining its contours and geometries. The geophysical reconstructions served to indicate to the archaeologists the most promising areas for excavation tests that were carried out subsequently and confirmed the presence of archaeological structures, such as defensive walls whose origin and dating are still the subject of further archaeological studies.