Feeding (the) landscape. A new dynamic museum for agriculture
- Publication year: 2016
- Type: Curatela
- OA Link: http://hdl.handle.net/10447/515843
The book aims to collect all the theoretical and practical contributions of the 6th edition of the OC /Open City International Summer School, held in Piacenza during the month of September 2016. The initiative involved more than one hundred of students, tutors and professors coming from twenty different countries of the world and took as main focus the problem of ‘Nutrition’, in accordance with the theme of the EXPO 2015 Exhibition. In order to guide the extended and complex theme of nutrition towards the architectural discipline the term Planet was replaced by the one of landscape. Exploited, mistreated and often bad interpreted, the landscape seems in fact back in the spotlight as a protagonist: a rare and limited resource, therefore precious, to which take care so that the planet of the future will be a ‘sustainable place’. In this sense the relationship between architecture and resources was the main reference for the design experiences made by the students involved in the three weeks workshop, during which they produced ten big projects oriented to express innovative ideas, methodologies and strategies for the transformation of some critical areas in Piacenza. The books gathers both the answers by the students and the theoretical thoughts of all the professors and tutors which have guided the students during this experience.