Architectures for a creative city
- Authors: Bertelli, Guya Grazia Maria; Garcia, Vazquez, Carlos Gabriel; Bracchi, Paola; Mei, Pasquale
- Publication year: 2015
- Type: Curatela
- OA Link:
The particular attention to the creative regeneration of the abandoned spaces is the core of the book, that orients the attention to the opposition between Tradition and Innovation, focusing on the transformation of architectural, urban and territorial contexts in terms of recovering and reuse of the resources. Starting from the urban creativity is opened Milano Expo main event 2015, with a constant relationship, both real and virtual, on the contamination among architecture and resources’ use. In this line, the theme chosen for the International Exhibition «Feeding the Planet. Energy for Life» is a reference corner-stone, assuming the architectural and urban design as more and more tied with energetic issues and sustainability, in a wide sense. The projects of the architectural elements shown in the book could be interpretated in this sense as important application of the main cathegories of the 'creativity' used in a complex process, rich of cultural and references different .