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Action-research and Arts-based Research Against Radicalisation and Prejudice


Marilena Macaluso’s contribution describes an arts- and theatre-based project in Italy whose aim is to prevent both radicalisation and prejudice. This project works to prevent violent radicalisation, not through a ‘top-down’ approach as is often the case, but through a more agent-centred ‘bottom-up’ approach where migrants themselves are ‘co-producers’ of the social policies. Actively involving migrants in policy-making, she argues, is not only more inclusive, but also more effective. Macaluso describes a European project - OLTRE - that seeks to effect such ‘bottom-up’ strategies in Italy, exploring antidotes to potential radicalization. The project involves second generation young people with a Muslim background, using experimental arts-based methods such as biographical interviews, photography and theatre workshops, a webseries and online communication activities.