Rappresentare le “seconde generazioni”: immaginari, narrazioni e visioni
- Authors: Macaluso M; Tumminelli SG
- Publication year: 2024
- Type: Capitolo o Saggio
- OA Link: http://hdl.handle.net/10447/667070
The authors devoted their research to the imagery related to the so-called “second generation” of migrants. In particular, the authors analyzed the webseries Rajel, produced as part of the Oltre project, aimed at preventing the risks of Islamic radicalization in the Italian territory. At the basis of that project, coordinated by Tor Vergata University in Rome and carried out by a network of Italian universities, including the University of Palermo, there was a preliminary action-research, carried out in seven cities. From it, inspiration was drawn for the realization of theater and photography workshops, a graphic novel and of a social communication campaign, which went viral, aimed at prevent Islamic radicalization. Also starting from the interviews collected during the first phase of the action-research, the webseries Rajel was created, with the participation of non-professional actors and well-known personalities such as the singer Mahmood who, in fact, is a second-generation migrant, born in Milan to an Egyptian mother and an Italian father. Based on what emerged during the preliminary exploratory research, the webseries develops a complex and multilevel narrative. Through a participatory approach, discrimination, prejudice and stereotypical images that characterize the dominant view of second generations were brought out and transferred within the plot. The identity conflict experienced on their own skin by those who belong neither to their parents' native country nor to the country in which they live and study, and who are torn between what they feel they are and how society defines them, is one of the central themes.