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Partiti populisti di destra in Europa: un focus sul genere e i diritti delle minoranze


This contribution questions the distinctive factors of parties defined as populist, in relation to the way they address gender issues, both in their programmes and political and political proposals, as well as in their underlying ideology, and in their everyday day-to-day communicative, organisational and political practices. Although homologated by the opposition to the elite in the name of a peculiarly defined 'people', these parties differ in aspects related to the position taken with respect to civil rights and gender. Gender issues and minority civil rights of minorities, therefore, end up requiring, even from parties that define themselves as post-ideological, to take a position and at the same time, in a latent way, become evident in everyday practices, exploding strong contradictions. We wonder, then, whether it is possible to imagine a fracture line based on the opposition between inclusion and exclusion and whether different degrees of 'inclusiveness' can contribute to redefining populist parties in more detail.