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Coltivare la salute mentale: dignità, partecipazione e creatività attraverso il lavoro


This chapter, trying to imagine a reversal of the conditions of marginality or disincentives to the participation of subjects with mental suffering, deals with the pioneering case of the Cooperativa Solidarietà in Palermo. Specifically, among the experiences carried out by its members, the Vivaio Ibervillea, in which people with mental suffering have been working and self-actualising together with other citizens and professionals for many years, is considered particularly significant. The parameters that we take into consideration, in an exploratory key, to define whether or not this case can be considered a good practice, include some elements that are also analysed in other case studies in this volume, and in particular: a) inter-institutional cooperation; b) training; c) family involvement; d) employer sensitivity in small businesses; d) impact on the community. The examination of documentary, textual and audio-visual material (formal acts, grey material, video interviews, photographs, etc.), and participation in some of the events organised over the years, constitute the sources for this research.