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A physical activity program dedicated to adolescents


Adolescence is a life stage in which the development ofindividuality and self-identity occurs.The recent study of the SIP evaluated the life style inadolescents, highlighting thelow participation to conti-nuative sports programs and the high incidence tosports drop out, interesting more than 30% of adoles-cents. These problems are partially linked to low com-pliance of adolescents to coaches training, partially tothe request of a sport close to adolescents requirements.However sports participation is beneficial for physicaland psychological development of adolescents. Sports pro-grams promote responsible social behaviours and greateracademic success, confidence in personal physical abilities,appreciation of personal health and fitness and strongsocial bonds with individuals and institutions. Adolescentsinvolved in physical activities fare better academically,have higher relationship skills, are more team-orientedand are healthier as determined by fitness standards.For these reasons the program of the physical activitydedicated to the adolescent needs a personal evaluation ofown desires and personal abilities, with a daily promotionof an active life style, preferring group activities (to go toschool and to come back home by foot or by bike withfriends, to walk for familial needs, etc.). The sport choicemust be carried out together with them, in order to guar-antee a four times a week physical activity, in conformitywith scholastic needs. Once a week they need to have spe-cial physical activities in accordance to familial requests.The skills of this program are: the education to amaintained physical assignment; the prevention of socialdeviation and/or alcohol, smoke, drugs dependence; theeducation to roles and rules, responsibilities, loyalty,cooperation, friendship.