The latent factors behind the urban travel behaviour
- Autori: Migliore, M; Catalano, M; Castelluccio, F; Lo Burgio, A; Di Giovanna, M
- Anno di pubblicazione: 2014
- Tipologia: Articolo in rivista (Articolo in rivista)
- OA Link:
This research aims to explore the impact of latent variables, mirroring the users’ preferences, on the individual decision making process regarding the mode of transport. The paper describes the first results of an ongoing research activity, which derives from a pilot study carried out in Palermo. The authors have administered to a sample of travellers a questionnaire and they simulated the mode choice behaviour referring to the random utility theory. Our results support the assumption that the design of a competitive public transport supply, using a road pricing policy, should pass through the complete understanding of the relationship between mode choice and latent constructs.