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Copy-move Forgery Detection via Texture Description

  • Autori: Ardizzone, E; Bruno, A; Mazzola, G
  • Anno di pubblicazione: 2010
  • Tipologia: Proceedings
  • Parole Chiave: Image forensics
  • OA Link:


Copy-move forgery is one of the most common type of tampering in digital images. Copy-moves are parts of the image that are copied and pasted onto another part of the same image. Detection methods in general use block-matching methods, which first divide the image into overlapping blocks and then extract features from each block, assuming similar blocks will yield similar features. In this paper we present a block-based approach which exploits texture as feature to be extracted from blocks. Our goal is to study if texture is well suited for the specific application, and to compare performance of several texture descriptors. Tests have been made on both uncompressed and JPEG compressed images.