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L'inclusione finanziaria degli immigrati : la tutela del consumatore vulnerabile nei servizi bancari


This book analyzes the linguistic, economic, social and religious obstacles that hinder the immigrant's financial inclusion and attempts, given the current law and referring to comparative experiences, to identify private remedies to protect these consumers. The thesis deals with the problem of linguistic risk management of the immigrant consumer with hints of behavioral law and economics and a comparative analysis, and then focus on the problems of access to credit and current accounts; lastly, it is argued the admissibility of Shari'a compliant contracts. Through a systematic analysis, this work concludes that the vulnerable consumer figure has been codified in the sectoral legislation: due to these normative indices, and due to the general clauses of good faith and the obligation to best serve the customer's interest in relation to its "particular" needs (Article 120 septies tub), it is possible to impose on intermediaries more rigorous behavioral obligations towards consumers with specific vulnerabilities, which cannot be reduced to the known information asymmetries