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Intra-cultivar Diversity in sicilian and calabrian olive (olea europaea L.) Cultivars Depicted by Morphological Traits and SSR Markers

  • Authors: Marra, FP; Marchese, A; Campisi, G; Guzzetta, G; Mafrica, R; Pangallo, S; Caruso, T; Costa, F
  • Publication year: 2012
  • Type: Proceedings
  • OA Link:


In this study, SSR analysis was performed on a large number of putative clones of the main olive cultivars from two Italian regions, Sicily and Calabria, in order to study the genetic relatedness, and to detect any degree of genetic diversity, which can be used to unambiguously identify possible superior clones. These putative clones have been collected and observed in the last ten years, following an extensive investigation carried out in traditional olive growing areas, thanks to the reports of farmers, millers, technician, growers and nurseries. The set of microsatellite (SSR) markers used allowed the detection of the genetic diversity, resulting from somatic mutation, indicating the presence of polyclonal cultivars, or having gametic origin, indicating a seedling origin of many clones, which thus share sibling relationships. The presence of superior clones or superior genotypes is discussed.