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DESIGN E TRANSIZIONE DIGITALE : nuove sfide design-driven per l’innovazione tecno-sociale

  • Autori: Di Dio, Salvatore; Inzerillo, Benedetto; Monterosso, Francesco; Russo, Dario
  • Anno di pubblicazione: 2022
  • Tipologia: Articolo in rivista
  • OA Link:


How can it be possible to work salvifically on an asphyxiated society that is beingdragged down by turbo-capitalism, the ‘soft tyranny’ of algorithms and ‘data-cracy’and marked by hegemonic and centralised socio-technical systems? Starting from the-oretical reflections and multidisciplinary contributions, this paper focuses on the strate-gic importance of techno-social innovation, critically illustrating some significant design-driven experiences that outline innovative lines of development in the field of design re-search: WASP’s experimental activity (3D printing), Manzini’s reflections on hybrid localcommunities and cities in chaotic mutation, the projects of hacktivists Persico and Ia-conesi on open source artificial intelligence, the experiences of frugal technological in-novation with high social impact in the Planet’s most challenging economic, environ-mental and social contexts, and, finally, the bold projections on the food of the futurewith the related problematic experiments on production systems and lifestyles.