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Forms of the Modernity. Digital Studies on Luciana Natoli


The contribution proposes to investigate, through drawing, the forms of unrealised architecture, left on paper and kept in archives. The projects of Luciana Natoli, an architect active in Sicily between 1962 and 1977, represent the starting point for the proposed study. The research and cataloguing of archive drawings and, in particular, the study of unrealised projects, suspended in time and in the space of memory, represent an occasion for reflection, an opportunity for a precise study of the professional and academic activity of an important protagonist of the Sicilian cultural scene. Through drawing, the architect constructs her idea of form and transfers it onto a support; redesigning is therefore configured as analysis, reading and decoding of the completed form. Investigating an architectural project through the study and digital restitution of forms means understanding the compositional process that generated it, the intentions, the underlying rules; likewise, the creation of three-dimensional digital models leads to implementing the available information through the production of new images.