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Temperature-Controlled Reversible Formation and Phase Transformation of 3D Nanocrystal Superlattices Through In Situ Small-Angle X-ray Scattering


For decades, the spontaneous organization of nanocrystals into superlattices has captivated the scientific community. However, achieving direct control over the formation of the superlattice and its phase transformations has proven to be a grand challenge, often resulting in the generation of multiple symmetries under the same experimental conditions. Here, we achieve direct control over the formation of the superlattice and its phase transformations by modulating the thermal energy of a nanocrystal dispersion without relying on solvent evaporation. We follow the temperature-dependent dynamics of the self-assembly process using synchrotron-based small-angle X-ray scattering. When cooled below −24.5 °C, lead sulfide nanocrystals form micrometer-sized three-dimensional phase-pure body-centered cubic superlattices. When cooled below −35.1 °C, these superlattices undergo a collective diffusionless phase transformation that yields denser body-centered tetragonal phases. These structural changes can be reversed by increasing the temperature of the dispersion and may lead to the direct modulation of the optical properties of these artificial solids.