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Building Relations and Enhanced Relationality as the Backbone of Methodologies in the Digital and Public Humanities


The very act of building relations or putting things into relationship – be they technology and culture, scholars and audiences, data and materials – thus form the backbone of scholarly projects that came to define this research field. The authors chosen for this first issue interpret the topic of “Relations” at different levels, from the scholarly practice of creating internal and external references across a digital research project (Stonayova, Pizzirusso), to the necessity of connecting digital resources and audiences from different domains (Venuti et al.), to the more theoretical reflection on relations between resources and users in the web (Scanagatta, Charlesworth et al.). What emerges from all papers is the on-going effort to build platforms and resources that aim to become collaborative workspaces for sharing research results and the essential precondition of building digital communities of scholars and practitioners to achieve this goal.