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L'usurpazione di Giovanni: la ricerca della legittimazione, la vittoria sul tyrannus


John’s usurpation: the pursuit of legitimacy, the victory over the tyrannus · In November 423, three months after the death of Honorius, the usurper John was proclaimed em- peror in Rome. He had been primicerius notariorum at the court of Ravenna and his elevation was made by the members of the aulé, as Procopius reports. Neverthless, the sources are not agreed: Malala says that John was a synkletikoi and ruled supported by the synkletikoi The literary and numismatic evidence shows that John aspired to recognition as lawful sovereign in the two parts of the Empire. Theodosius restored order and legitimacy to the West with the military intervention and the proclamation of Valentinian III as Caesar in 424 and to Augustus in 425 in Rome. The victory over the tyrannus was celebrated thorough various means of communication, as gained by God’s intervention. Literary texts and prosopographical analysis declare on the one hand the supporters of the usurpation, and in the other hand the power base which accompanied and strengthened the restoration of Theodosian dinasty. Theodosius sent the magister officiorum Helion to elevate Valentinian to the rank of Augustus; the new political balance followed the military intervention thanks to Theodosius. The end of Olympiodorus’ s history in 425 is meaningful: the political weakness of the West, started after Stilico’s death, was finished thanks to the eastern part of Empire.