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Landau-Majorana-Stückelberg-Zener dynamics driven by coupling for two interacting qutrit systems


A time-dependent model of two interacting spin qutrits is analyzed is analyzed and solved. The two interacting qutrits are subjected to a longitudinal field linearly varying over time as in the Landau-Majorana-Stückelberg- Zener (LMSZ) scenario. Although a transverse field is absent, we show the occurrence of LMSZ transitions assisted by the coupling between the two spin-qutrits. Such a physical effect permits us to estimate experimentally the coupling strength between the spins and allows the generation of entangled states of the two qutrits by appropriately setting the slope of the ramp. Furthermore, the possibility of local and nonlocal control as well as the existence of dark states of the two qutrits have been brought to light. Effects stemming from a noisy surrounding environment are also taken into account by introducing a random fluctuating field component as well as non-Hermitian terms in the Hamiltonian model.