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BLANCO AL CUADRADO. Arquitectura blanca en hormigón blanco


The white color in architecture has a particular dimension for technical-functional, sensory and, above all, spatial reasons. It also contains the symbolic values that over time have determined a kind of myth - with ancient and uncertain origins, but present to contemporary times. The use of the raw concrete allows the construction of intrinsically white buildings, with the possibility of obtaining monomaterial and monochromatic constructions. Throughout the twentieth century, and even today, the mechanical characteristics of white concrete have been continuously implemented and their modalities of use have expanded not only in performance capabilities but also in the aesthetic and expressive field. Following some pioneering experiences of the second half of the twentieth century, in the contemporary scene some realizations stand out, in this sense doubly white, which allow us to recognize the different natures of white concrete and, in particular, that make us identify different and specific techniques to space conception and project methodology. The use of white concrete today responds to the search for perfection of pure and noble material, which recovers the fundamental values of architecture and shapes an innovative dialogue between firmitas and venustas.