Dynamic analysis of damaged magnetoelectroelastic laminated structures
- Publication year: 2010
- Type: Proceedings
- Key words: Magnetoelectroelastic materials, Dynamic response, Fracture mechanics
- OA Link: http://hdl.handle.net/10447/56389
In the present paper a boundary element analysis of the dynamic response of damaged magnetoelectroelastic laminate structures is presented. The problem is formulated employing generalized displacements. The mass matrix is computed by the Dual Reciprocity Method. Due to the non-homogeneous nature of the laminate the multidomain boundary element technique is employed which also straightforwardly allows the modeling of interface cracks and delaminations. The multidomain boundary element technique is implemented with imperfect interlaminar interfaces and unilateral interface conditions to prevent the physical inconsistence of the overlapping between interface nodes belonging to two different plies. To assess the reliability and the effectiveness of the model numerical analyses are carried out on the dynamic response of magnetically activated magnetoelectroelastic devices in presence of delamination cracks. The obtained results show that applied magnetic load induces a dynamic deformation field which demands for non-linear contact analysis.