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Introduction to Photocatalytic Hydrogen Production


Nowadays, one of the major academic and technological challenges we face is the search for a sustainable source of clean energy. The need to convert solar energy into a form suitable for everyday use has triggered intense research in this field. The conversion of solar energy into chemical energy with the formation of renewable fuels through green processes has significant advantages over traditional methods. In this scenario, the photocatalytic production of H2 from pure water or from aqueous solutions containing suitable sacrificial agents represents one of the most attractive methods since it can be carried out in mild conditions (ambient pressure and temperature). In this chapter, we describe the principles of photocatalytic H2 production, the most used sacrificial agents, and photocatalytic systems together with techniques for improving photocatalyst efficiency. Even if there are numerous strategies to obtain a better efficiency of the photocatalyst, and consequently of the whole process, most of them have the purpose of decreasing the recombination of the photo-produced electrons and holes, thus increasing the number of those available on the photocatalyst surface for the reactive steps.