La selvicoltura in Sicilia: problemi e prospettive
- Authors: Maetzke, FG; Barbera, G; Cullotta, S; La Mantia, T; La Mela Veca, DS; Pizzurro, GM
- Publication year: 2009
- Type: Proceedings
- Key words: Selvicoltura, Pianificazione forestale, Gestione forestale sostenibile, Rinaturalizzazione, Sicilia
- OA Link:
In spite of their little surface, natural sicilian forests and reforestation are strongly heterogeneous due to environmental factors and anthropic activities. In Sicily forest surface was enriched by forestation activities that have been largely widespreaded in the last century. Also reforestations are mixed in terms of species in forest plantation. However, forestry use had not clear and continuous addresses because of lack of policy forestry in the time. For example, executive forest planning was deficient and very little plans have been drawn up. According to EU and national legislation, forest may be seen not only such as an environmental resource but also as an economic opportunity. Renewed interest and attention for woods requires urgent forest planning and sustainable forest management. Moreover, some formations may be have economic specific interest. Thus in this paper with the aim to produce useful tools for forest planning appropriate addresses for management of sicilian forest type were identified. The study shows management forest guidelines for each forest type of Sicily with forestry homogeneous character.