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Asymptotically-deterministic robust preparation of maximally entangled bosonic states


We introduce a theoretical scheme to prepare a pure Bell singlet state of two bosonic qubits, in a way that is robust under the action of arbitrary local noise. Focusing on a photonic platform, the proposed procedure employs passive optical devices and a polarization insensitive, nonabsorbing, parity check detector in an iterative process which achieves determinism asymptotically with the number of repetitions. Distributing the photons over two distinct spatial modes, we further show that the elements of the related basis composed of maximally entangled states can be divided in two groups according to an equivalence based on passive optical transformations. We demonstrate that the parity check detector can be used to connect the two sets of states. We thus conclude that the proposed protocol can be employed to prepare any pure state of two bosons which are maximally entangled in either the internal degree of freedom (Bell states) or the spatial mode (NOON states).