La nuova copertura della piazza del mercato di Ballarò. Costruire spazi di comunità con il processo/progetto della ricerca-azione
- Authors: Lecardane, Renzo Antonio
- Publication year: 2024
- Type: Capitolo o Saggio
- OA Link:
Rediscovering the cultural value of the project, creating new imaginaries in marginal places and defining the new aesthetics of temporality are some of the emerging issues in the city of crisis in Italy that are explored through the active involvement of inhabitants, as well as associations and institutions. The research-action process elaborated by the Research Group LabCity Architecture (DARCH-UNIPA) questions the role of the legality of public space in contrast to the unpredictability of everyday life. Issues such as privatization and the informal and often illegal use of the space are explored through a methodology addressed to the experimentation of a contemporary project with a strong emblematic value in the current degraded space of Piazza del Carmine at Albergheria. The continuous acts of distancing and interacting with the community have guided the research of the central theme, such as the relationship between the process and the architecture project, by verifying the apparently irreconcilable issues and themes, through successive verifications and distancing from the demands of all the actors involved in the widest plan of the requalification of the historical market Ballarò.