Progetti di rigenerazione nella città -porto di Saint-Nazaire. Strategie di tutela e trasformazione del patrimonio bellico / Plans of regeneration in the city-port of Saint-Nazaire. Strategies of protection and transformation of the war patrimony
- Authors: Lecardane, R
- Publication year: 2008
- Type: Proceedings
- Key words: Porto, waterfront, infrastruttura militare, architettura, progetto urbano, rigenerazione urbana, allestimento, Saint-Nazaire
- OA Link:
The European city represents today an extraordinary skill for the innovation and transformation of the relationship between architectural design and the built environment. During the last few years many great cities and smaller cores have started regeneration plans throughout design review process that covers namely the waterfronts as well as protection and preservation of built artefacts. A variety of conditions in many European cities – changes in urban structures, new economical and industrials arrays – affecting today the relation between town and infrastructures. The case-study of St. Nazaire shows in particularly a strategy to re-link town and harbour area. The projects developed at this stake have been stated around the new issue of ville croisière, shaping the harbour area near the base of the submarines of the second world war. Through the example of harbour regeneration of Saint-Nazaire, this text means to inquire that certain projects with clear methodological and instrumental specificity have emerged in recent decades focusing on public space - namely public building – as tools for sustainable transformation in metropolitan contexts.