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Multicomponent solid dispersion a new generation of solid dispersion produced by spray-drying

  • Authors: De Mohac, Laura Modica; Raimi-Abraham, Bahijja; Caruana, Roberto; Gaetano, Giammona; Licciardi, Mariano
  • Publication year: 2020
  • Type: Articolo in rivista
  • OA Link:


The term“multicomponent solid dispersion”is widely used in recent literature to describe solid formulationsconsisting of a special excipient's mixture and active moleculesfinely dispersed. However, this term has not yetbeen defined. In this review, we aimed to improve the definition of multicomponent solid dispersions as a newgeneration of solid dispersions capable to improve both formulation issues and the therapeutic effect of thefinaldosage form. As it is well-known the use of solid dispersions to improve drug dissolution rate and solubility, thisreview describes thefield of solid dispersions as well as the formulation strategies available for their production.In particular, the review highlights the use of the spray-drying technique and the benefits provided by thismethod in the manufacturing of multicomponent solid dispersion.